Monday, November 07, 2005

Group Project Proposal: "Savage Kats"

Group Members: Jugdeep Sahota, Umar Akram, Takashi Nakagawa, Shahid Qureshi

Problem Description

Every night millions of people sit down and turn on their televisions trying to find out what happened in the world on any given day. The news is supposed to be a place where people can turn to and get all their information and then form their opinions. The problem is major news media corporations attempt to control the content that is shown to the public. In this age of twenty-four hour news stations, the news is always available for us. However, this news coverage is not always reliable. The reporters do not ask the tough questions to politicians, all opinions are not shared with the public and people rely more on comedic shows for in depth reports rather than the big news stations.

News organizations are supposed to send out their reports to find the truth and share this truth with the public. When it comes to politics the truth seems to get lost. The news is supposed to be unbiased and deliver the truth; instead there is a fear about offending the government.

A journalist is only as good as the contacts he can provide. So, if one was to uncover the truth about a government official or ask the "tough questions" they may be placed on the "blacklist." This means they will lose contacts for themselves. If one cannot provide stories first they will subsequently lose their job to someone who can provide stories first. Journalists who share their opinions and are against the powers will be punished.

At MSNBC two well-known liberal hosts, Keith Olbermann and Phil Donahue were let go by the network. The bosses were upset that Keith Olbermann had two liberals on his show in three days and the network cancelled his show. The network said they wanted unbiased television and by having two liberals on in three days it was portraying biased television. However, now on MSNBC there are no liberal anchors, only right wing conservatives, is this not biased television?

It is really clear that a problem exists in news coverage when people turn to comedic programs as their news source. For example, the Emmy winner, "The Daily Show" has proven itself to be a more investigative source in its half hour time slot compared to national broadcasts and even the twenty-four hour news stations.

Key Determining Forces

Economic: For-profit corporations own much of the news media that reaches the audience. These corporations are legally obliged to put the profits of their investors before all other considerations. As result the goal of maximizing profits conflicts with responsible journalism. There is also becoming a concentration of ownership with media outlets. The larger outlets are absorbing their rivals. This leads to less diversity and gives the power to just a few companies.

Environment: Technology all around us has had a major influence on the way we receive information. Unlike the past where there was only printed word to transmit information to the masses. Now there is the radio, television and Internet. These all have significantly impacted the environment in which media is conversed. Huge media corporations have also developed over the past century. They are able to choose what is heard by the public. In return this has a great impact on what people hear and think. Technology further influences this problem mainly because it has made it much easier for large corporation to portray data in the desired form. They are able to take smaller competitors out and make sure only their message is heard. The Environment is interrelated strongly with the media. As mentioned above the radio, television and the Internet are the main mediums through which "media" exist.

Cultural: The Media plays a huge role in influencing the opinions of people; therefore shaping and influencing culture. It is able to mould and manipulate the ideas and thoughts of individuals by only conveying specific information that they want the public to hear. It omits information that could change the choices and the opinions of people. Media in a sense has made everyone in certain parts of the world become one monoculture (different sub-groups) by only presenting certain facts. For example most people in the Eastern Part of the world depict the West, especially the US to be a bad influence on their culture. Therefore most large television broadcasters have omitted American content. For example, "The Simpsons" is now being shown in Arab communities but with major changes, such as no beer for Homer Simpson, he doesn’t say "Do’h" and many others. Individual’s capacity to act autonomously is also a question. Media has strongly shape culture in today’s society. It is safe to say people no longer think for themselves but follow what they see on television or read in the media.

Political: Political forces play a major role in determining what the public hears. Political forces apply pressure to media outlets to stay quiet. For example, they will withhold information as a form of punishment because of tough questions that were asked at the last press conference. "Despite the claims that the press has an adversarial relationship with the government, in truth U.S. media generally follow Washington's official line" ( Powerful media companies routinely make large contributions to both major political parties, while receiving millions of dollars in return in the form of payments for running political ads.

Applied Analysis

The obvious solution to this problem would be to have alternative forms of media available. However, the problems with the alternative sources are a lack of resources and funding.

This is where the Internet has become so important but there is still a lot of untapped potential. Yes, the Internet has been used by people to put their opinions out there and alternative sources of news are made available for relatively cheap. The problem is getting the public to start reading and looking for these articles and forums on the Internet. Many times people do not turn to these alternative sources and instead turn to the mainstream news websites like "" International broadcasts have proven to be more investigative of United States political procedures then those in the United States. If the people in the country were exposed to outsider opinions then they may see the truth or at least more information to form their opinions. For example, a British journalist was the first to report of bombs dropping on innocent people in Iraq. When people got a hold of this then it was being exposed to the American people.

Project Format

The essay is about how news media is being dominated by the corporations and the truth or at least all opinions are not being shared with the general public. People currently have to turn to independent sources and the Internet for a different point of view.

A website is very important because it represents the alternative form that is not present in mainstream news coverage. The website will also be available for many years and open to anyone who comes across it. This web site will include our essay, our video, a link to other sources and a link to a forum. It is important to have a forum so the people who visit the website can comment and share their opinions as well.

A short video approximately 5 minutes long will consist of clips from mainstream news agencies and clips from truly investigative programs such as the daily show. The clips will be shown in a comparison format to show how some news agencies are investigative while others are not and the truth does not get reported to the public.

Research Plan

Group members have been consulting many sources, which include, class texts and theories, established websites of major media corporations such as NBC, CNN among others. We have also viewed websites and articles from independent agencies whose goal is to eliminate control in the news.

We plan on finding appropriate clips from the daily show where they investigate and make humour about political circumstances but it must be factual. And also finding clips from the news broadcasts and documentaries about how the news coverage does not to an appropriate job. There are also many books that have relevant information on the subject which include:

"Creating reality: how TV news distorts events"
"Inventing reality: the politics of news media"
"Tainted Truth: the manipulation of fact in America"

Provisional Timeline and Work Breakdown

All group members are expected to research and find information on the topic. This includes articles, Internet sources, books, and movie or television clips for the video. One member is in control of the website this includes posting all content which includes the essay, Reason for the website, video, forum, and all other properties of the web site. Other group members will continue to provide help for the website as required. Two people will in charge of putting together and editing the short video. This includes gathering all the video clips, shortening the clips and all other requirements. One member will work on the essay. All members are required to gather the information, even though one person is formally writing the essay. All group members are also required to make sure the information is reliable and backed up by credible sources. The website should be up and running very quickly and then additions can be made as they are complete this will allow for the website creator to assist in other areas and simply just post it on the website.

Sources Viewed

Murray, Sue. "Phil Donahue" The Museum of Broadcast Communication url:

"Mass Media Influences"

"What’s wrong with the news" URL:

"Mass media and public opinion" Wikipedia: the free Encyclopedia url:

"Too Many Liberals" 10/27/05. url:


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